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Ongoing Projects

  • Leonie Keilholz: Study on Growth of Spirogyra pratensis on Solid Substrates and the transcriptomic comparison to two different Zygnemaotphycean

Finished Projects

  • Tobias Mainz (2021): Transcriptomic studies on desiccation tolerance in Klebsormidium
  • Maren Schwanitz (2021): Transcriptomic studies on osmoregulation in Chlamydomoans reinhardtii
  • Nadine Küchenmeister (2020): Algenflora von Kleinstgewässern des Nationalparks Eifel
  • Lara Iaboli (2020): GRAS Proteins of zygnematophytes
  • Inessa Wilden (2020): Solid earth cultures for zygnematophytes
  • Clara Ludwig (2020): Transformation efficiency in Chlamydomonas