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February 10th 2020

Becker, Feng et al. published "Desiccation tolerance in streptophyte algae and the algae to land plant transition: evolution of LEA and MIP protein families within the Viridiplantae" in Journal of Experimental Botany


August 27th 2019

Rippin, Becker et al. published "Metatranscriptomic and metabolite profiling reveals vertical heterogeneity within a Zygnema green algal mat from Svalbard (High Arctic)" in society for applied microbiology


August 6th 2019

Rippin, Becker et al. published "Cold Acclimation Improves the Desiccation Stress Resilience of Polar Strains of Klebsormidium (Streptophyta)" in Frontiers in Microbiology


June 30th 2019

Karsten U. et al. published " Living on Cold Substrata: New Insights and Approaches in the Study of Microphytobenthos Ecophysiology and Ecology in Kongsfjorden". In: Hop H., Wiencke C. (eds) The Ecosystem of Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Advances in Polar Ecology, vol 2. Springer, Cham


March 4th 2018

Rippin, Becker et al. published "Biodiversity of biological soil crusts from the Polar Regions revealed by metabarcoding" in FEMS Microbiology Ecology 


January 12th 2018

Rippin, Becker et al. published "Genus richness of microalgae and Cyanobacteria in biological soil crusts from Svalbard and Livingston Island: morphological versus molecular approaches" in Polar Biology 


October 16th 2017

Fiore-Donno, Becker et al. published "New barcoded primers for efficient retrieval of cercozoan sequences in high-throughput next-generation environmental diversity surveys, with emphasis on worldwide biological soil crusts" in Molecular Ecology Resources 


September 22nd 2017

Rippin, Becker & Holzinger published "Enhanced Desiccation Tolerance In Mature Cultures Of The Streptophytic Green Alga Zygnema circumcarinatum Revealed By Transcriptomics" in Plant & Cell Physiology. 


August 18th 2017

Martin Rippin received the George F. Papenfuss Award at the IPC 11 in Szczecin, Poland. 


June 6th 2016

Williams, Becker et al. published "Biological soil crusts of Arctic Svalbard and of Livingston Island, Antarctica" in Polar Biology.


April 15th 2016

Rippin & Becker published "RNA isolation from biological soil crusts: methodological aspects" in Algological Studies.


December 1st 2015

Komsic-Buchmann & Becker published "Brefeldin A affects the system of contractile vacuoles in Mesostigma viride (Streptophyta)" in Algological Studies.


August 31st 2015

Holzinger & Becker published "Desiccation tolerance in the streptophyte green alga Klebsormidium: The role of phytohormones" in Communicative & Integrative Biology.


October 23rd 2014

Holzinger, Komsic-Buchmann, Becker et al. published "Transcriptomics of Desiccation Tolerance in the Streptophyte Green Alga Klebsormidium Reveal a Land Plant-Like Defense Reaction" in PLOS One.


September 12th 2014

Komsic-Buchmann, Wöstehoff and Becker published "The Contractile Vacuole as a Key Regulator of Cellular Water Flow in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii" in Eukaryotic Cell.